I see a humanity without pain, hunger, greed or war; without fear, hate, disappointment or violence; without sorrow, discord, deceit, or death.
But if we must be painful, let us know the pain of ignorance;
If we must be hungry, let us hunger for wisdom;
If we must make war, let us make war on apathy;
If we must be greedy, let us insatiably desire selfless service;
If we must fear, let us fear a world without love;
If we must hate, let us hate injustice;
If we must disappoint, let us disappoint the naysayers;
If we must be violent, let us be violent, nay, passionate, in our work;
If we must weep, be those tears shed in the name of our brethren;
If there be discord, let it lead to ingenuity;
If we must be deceitful, let us cheat death;
And if we must die, so be it in the pursuit of a better tomorrow.
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